
Updates in the work

Multiple locations for the ghost to be. Right now she can only be in your back seat. I know it cna be frustrating at times to see if she's there because of the environment. This was an intentional design choice but I've decided to put a TINY bit of light on her.

Later on, she'll be at either door and even peek down at you from the top of your windshield. 

There will be more objects to crash into. On harder modes, Haunts will wander out behind them when you get close, forcing the player to give objects a wider birth.

There will be also ghosts called Haunts that if you hit them with your car, they'll ruin your life. Easy mode will take a few hits untl death. Medium activates the ghost in the back immediately. Hard is insta death.

Deadway: an extra gamemode where you drive along a loooong highway, ahving to stop for gas occasionally at haunted, abandoned gas stations. I don't know whether it should be its own standalone game or something available in the options menu. The player will have a variety of vehicles to choose from. Playing on hard will unlock legendary vehicles, sampled from popular horror works like Christine, Little Bastard and more.  An example of a new vehicle would be that Christine does not have a ghost in the back but she will randomly lock you in at max speed and randomly swerve left and right to try and kill you. When you stop for gas, Christine will sometimes start itself and attempt to run you down briefly. Other cars might have higher max speeds and lower turn rates. Some are better on gas mileage, some have bad handling but good top speeds, some have more hiding palces for ghosts. Other cars, like the 67 chevy impala, replace your flares with buckshot full of salt. This won't put ghosts down but it will stun them for a few seconds. I'll gladly take suggestions. 

My current issues with Deadway are trying to set up more realistic controls. I'm also having issues with the roads. 

Bug fixes

Fixed the menu in its entirety. Options open properly and close properly. Game restarts in the menu as well when you click "restart".


TranscendingFear v1.21.zip 850 MB
Nov 05, 2023

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