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So it's apparently out of my hands whether your browser can support the full game or not so luckily I included the ability to download the game files and play it from the folder. I then screwed this up massively by not having a seperate build just for the executable so I'll be fixing that shortly


-Added a quick tutorial at the beginning because after playtesting it a 1000 times, I forgot others might not know what they're looking at.

-Made UI improvements so it not only shows you which spell you have selected, but makes an auditory sound to let you know about it. Same with upgrades

-Fixed spells sometimes ignoring the fact you've let off the mouse button and keep going full auto

-Added colliders to the bottoms of enemies so they stop going through the ground

-Nerfed Super pylons so they only do 100 damage instead of 150 and steal 100 mana instead of 200

-Working on new enemies as well for waves 11-19, 31-40, 41-49

To be fixed

-I'm going to tear apart and rebuild the spell selection system. I'm going to wait until I get better with UIs because a spell selection system that has different categories of magic, is way better than hotkeys but I can only do so much. I have a LOT of spells planned, different difficulty settings, sidequests ect ect. I wanted to have like...instead of wave 1-5 spawning  a few enemies at a time, it spawns a bunch of weak enemies over time per wave. Then every five waves you get a portal that takes you somewhere else and you have like 5 minutes to explore and get back, or be stuck there for a while as horrific monsters spawn once the portal closes.


MentagickaMaxiumOfficialWebGL.zip Play in browser
Aug 27, 2021
MentagickaMaxiumOfficialDownloadable.zip 81 MB
Aug 27, 2021

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