Patching Dead Neighbors
Okay posting the version lists here because I was too swept up gettng this fixed in time for halloween.
version .9.1 problems and fixes
Readjust “Press U for upgrades”
P stops time but does not enable the pause menu
Pausing needs to disable gun
Put “paused” at top of pause menu
Scavenger doesn’t seem to increase ammo drops
Upgrade info box can’t be clicked
Info boxes need to disappear when a new one pops up
version .9.2 problems and fixes
Change move speed to 1 and increase movement multiplier accordingly so serializing the vector works
Added colliders to building and alleyway near enemy spawn
This sign near that area that has the bus stop and orange barricades has no collider
All ground signs have colliders now
Building near enemy spawn has collider.
Building near stairs has a collider
Need game over: restart thing
version .9.3 problems and fixes
Healthy wasn’t working. finally figured it out.
Pause menu wouldn’t activate cause Playmaker was being dumb. Made a refference to it in DataCache anbd the Look FSM grabs that reference to activate it.
version .9.4
Died to the big four-legged creature with red eyes and the screen went black.
Could not access a menu to restart. had to reboot game
Clicking the resume option in the menu does not unpause game, but I can still hit escape when this happens to unpause the game. Resume’s “send event” wasn’t properly set up. It’s fixed now.
version 1.1
None of my stats go up when I devour something. Devour wasn't updating food UI.
Died to acid rain due to player error. saw the restart option on the death screen, but when it took me back to menu, none of the main menu buttons worked.
All animations in the background of the main menu also weren't working. The creatures were all stationary. Had to reboot. Game wasn't rescaling time after pausing.
Third playthrough: Upgrades feel insignificant for what you get vs how expensive they are. I can get like maybe 7 total upgrades in a full run but they have a small impact on my gameplay. Decreased cost of Scavenger and player starts with 100xp
version 1.2
Devour lowered from 30 seconds to 15
Devour doesn’t seem to be working (Add to fsm float wasn’t working for some fucking reason. The actual action was fsm float add)
All pickups need to activate the infotext (Doing this has made the pickups fuck up and not get the positon of their waypoint)
Wasn’t alerted to acid rain the second or third or fourth time (Text was set to destroy self, not deactivate self)
Building near bus stop on right side of map, where the two containers of trees are, near a gas plant, has no collider
version 1.3
Add lighting option
Updated skill descriptions
Infotext isn’t updating with pickups
Collider onsome building won’t let player hide in it despite visually having a small cove. Adjusted colliders accordingly.
version 1.4
Had to rebake navigational data.
Due to fliers flodoing the map but still being unformidable, fliers now have a 60 second timer and die when biting player. Their damage has been icnreased to 2 instead of 1 to compensate.
Version 1.5
Food is giving 20 than 10
It seems that snagging a pickup interrupts the reload
Acid rain needs sound effect, better rain, and notification needs to be replaced with light acid rain that doesn’t harm you until it eventually hits you full force.
Athlete doesn’t update your health UI
Screen shake from big enemies sometimes makes my screen permanently slanted.
Big brown dude probably needs to do 100 damage, not insta kill
If player does a good job of killing enemies, game is pretty boring for a while.
Need to make gas plants occasionally repsawn at random and grant a one-time pickup when killed.
Get Dead Neighbors
Dead Neighbors
A simple yet dangerous arcade shooter where you must survive for 11 days in a city full of monsters.
Status | Released |
Author | Krauser's Studio |
More posts
- Patching Dead NeighborsOct 31, 2024
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